
The village is located in the Poprad District, about 7 km from the town of Poprad in the direction to the town Levoča. The village is composed of the local parts: Kišovce, Primovce, Kišovce, Hôrka, Ondrej. Cadastre of the village lies in the valley of the Gánovce stream. The flow of the Gánovce stream, along with the rest of the embossment processes created this valley. The site belongs to the cold climate areas of Slovakia.
The geological structure of the cadastre of the village is made up of two ground files. South part of the territory constitutes a drawn out the back of the Goat range formed by resistant rocks and basalts and
andesites of a volcanic origin. Mostly the northern part of the territory is made up of paleogenic sediments of sandstone, conglomerates.. They create significantly lighter and also more open soft shapes of the country. The area straddles the tectonic breach with the appearance of mineral waters.

According to Phyto-geographical classification of Slovakia, the site is located in the territory of West Carpatian floral. In the territory there are greater number of mineral springs with the formation of small springs. In the flat places there is a high level of groundwater, which has allowed the emergence of a bog with unique flora of Slovakia.
In the territory of the cadastre of the village are specially protected parts of nature: two declared Hôrka natural reservations: Švábovce hillside with thermophilic Adonis vernalís and Primovce rocks to protect and preserved plant communities of relict character and very diverse origin (garlic stiff (Alllum strictum), pasque flower(Pulsatilla patens)). The most valuable habitats of the territory are the “Carpathian travertine salt marshes” included in the network of the European importance 2000 as Nátura (ÚEV) under the name of Valley Gánovce Creek, identification code: SKUEV 0139. The most important species are Glaux maritima, Trlglochin maritima, Plantago maritima, Trichophorum pumilum, Centaurium litorale.